Restricted Business Models

Prohibited from use of any FasterPay services

FasterPay does not provide services to certain categories of business models (“Restricted Businesses”). Restrictions are imposed by the payment partners, credit card networks, acquiring banks, U.S. and international institutions and authorities. By registering for FasterPay merchant account, you are confirming that you will not use the FasterPay Services for any activities that violate any law, statute, ordinance, or regulation and/or in connection with the following businesses, business activities or business practices:

Illegal goods and services Illegal drugs. Weapons and ammunitions, gunpowder and other explosives. Hazardous materials (chemical, radioactive, biohazard, corrosive, caustic, volatile, combustible). Spytools (card data collectors, keyloggers, jammers). Modchips.
Intellectual property or proprietary rights infringement Product or service that directly infringes or facilitates infringement upon the trademark, patent, copyright, trade secrets, or proprietary or privacy rights of counterfeit music, movies, software, games, newspapers, or other licensed materials. Unauthorized sale or resale of brand name or designer products or services. Goods or services that are illegally imported or exported.
Prohibited multi-level marketing “Get rich quick” seminars, pyramid schemes, email spam.
Specific money services Forex trading and Forex training activities, financial intermediaries.
Server testing DDoS attack tools, firewall testing tools.
Hardware repairs PC or other electronic device repair services.
No-value-added services Sale or resale of a service without added benefit to the buyer, including fortune telling, palm reading, or miracle cures.
Social media boosting websites Sale of Social media followers including but not limited to (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,...etc), Increasing the reach for Social media account for a certain price or promoting the sale of Social media accounts.
Adult content website Pornography and other obscene materials, including literature, images, video, hentai. Sexually-related services such as prostitution, escort services, mail-order brides, adult live chats, and adult phone service.
Gambling Lotteries, bidding fee auctions, sports forecasting or odds making, fantasy sports leagues and social gambling with cash prizes, internet gambling, games of chance.
Cryptocurrencies Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency wallet, cryptocurrency storages, cryptocurrency mining.
Tobacco/ Nicotine Products Sale of Nicotine/Tobacco products, Cigars, Nicotine containing E-cigarettes, Vape E-liquid.
CBD oils THC Containing products, oil, E-liquid,…etc.
Prescribed Medications Sale of prescribed medication or prescribed medical products, OTC Medication is excluded.

Limited use of FasterPay services

FasterPay limits its services for certain Restricted Businesses and requires pre-approval to accept payments for certain services as detailed in the chart below. Restrictions are imposed by the payment partners, credit card networks, acquiring banks, U.S. and international institutions and authorities. By registering for a FasterPay merchant account, you are confirming that you will use only eligible services in connection with the following businesses, business activities or business practices:

Anonymizer service VPN services, proxy server access providers.
Pay for publicity “Get instant views / likes / comments” websites
Crowdfunding service Services for funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions online.
Mobile Phone Unlockers Jailbreaking, rooting, unlocking services for mobile phones and smartphones.
High risk businesses Business models that we believe poses elevated financial risk, such as private gaming servers, financial trading courses, or outsourcing companies.
Electronics Sale and resale of laptops, mobile phones, smartphones, TVs, and other electronic devices. Hardware and any parts of electronic devices.

The above chart is not inclusive and is subject to change. If you are uncertain as to whether your business is a Restricted Businesses, please contact us at

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